Talent and hard work

One of the reasons that I shout at Brian (the personification of my brain) is that I have plenty of talent as a writer, a musician, a promoter and an actor, and yet I end up doubting my talent and failing to work hard enough to make the most of my talents.

I wish I knew how to address this problem. Depression and imposter syndrome have done a great job of inhibiting my creativity.

I have recorded an album of 12 original pieces of music. It will be called Spite, Bile and Beauty. It was due to be released this spring but Covid19 has had other ideas. I am insanely proud of the music, and of the number of different instruments that I played, but ask me to advertise it or tell people how good it is and I’m left in a heap of embarrassed silence.

Daft isn’t it?

By the way, if you want to know if I can write, here is a recording of one of my short stories.


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